Main Thoughts
The accessibility to the internet for all society’s segments, regardless of their (age group, gender, educational level, and income level), enabled them to engage in social media communities and discussions, and made information sources on hand for all. That led to rapid and frequent changes in each segment’s awareness, perceptions, appeals and consequently their attitudes and behaviors towards the needed and desired products. This situation constitutes a challenge for all companies to provide new products and develop their current products to meet customers’ needs and satisfy their desires, in order to enhance their competitive advantages and ensure their sustainability.

Our Approach
Since the foundation of Riverside, all our activities have been guided by data-driven practices in order to adapt effectively to market changes by providing our customers with high-added-value products that keep up with their needs and desires, as well as the continuous development of more efficient processes of production that ensure achieving continuous business growth. In response to the growing awareness of healthy practices among people, which drives a rising demand for more healthy, natural, and high-quality products, Riverside is keen to reflect this trend in its own product portfolios by implementing ISO 22000 standards at each of its production sites. This allow us, according to HACCP principles, to continuously improve risk management, reduce food safety hazards and develop recognition of the quality of our products. It also strengthens confidence among public authorities and our customers.

What We Have Done And What We Are Doing
We consider R&D functions as what distinguishes and gives Riverside its tough competitive advantage in the market. As we constantly explore consumers’ taste experiences, preferences, and perceptions toward our products. We aim to develop them and provide new values that enhance our products’ position in the market. We then focus on developing and producing new products that meet the updated needs and desires of our consumers. Additionally, we explore any potential opportunity behind unknown needs, and keep up with the latest innovations in the food industry in order to provide breakthrough products that help Riverside to always adapt to market changes.
We believe that investing in passionate, intellectual, and creative people is what helps Riverside to have this advantage over our competitors, and thus achieve sustainability. Also, we seek to spread R&D culture locally to raise the market standards and consequently enhance the Syrian product reputation abroad.

Competitive Advantage
Thus, R&D activities result in a systematic creative work resulting with new knowledge that then can be used to formulate entire new products as well as to improve existing ones. Hence, it will allow your company to adapt itself in an efficient way to market changes Innovation It is not about money, it is about people (innovation) Investing in R&D helps a business to have a competitive edge over its competitors. The R&D function needs to have a clear foresight about future problems that need solutions. R&D (in its development role) can act as a catalyst for speeding up the growth of organisation by way of introducing breakthrough products in the market. The firm that can successfully leverage its R&D efforts by translating the efforts in building new products will find itself ahead of its competitors. Many firms have converted problems into opportunities Only this leads to long term business sustainability.